The demand for plant-based alternative products is on the rise. Consumers are more aware of their impact on the environment and carbon footprint. Governments are incentivising the industry to adapt and help consumers adopt a more varied plant-based diet. Plant-based nutrition is important for many industries, including sports and daily nutrition.
This Vitafoods Insights video panel discussion brings together thought leaders to share their take on the plant-based nutrition industry: market growth, plant-based brands and retailer initiatives leading the sustainability agenda, legislation worries, the long-term implications for consumers, European political strategies and support for the plant-based industry, opportunities, and challenges ahead in the sector, the role of plant-based in the sports nutrition section, and more.
Indy Kaur
Andrea Solana
Claudia Mucciardi
Want to learn more about the plant-based nutrition market?
- Check out our industry report here (plant-based nutrition industry report to be published on the 30 August 2022)
- Check out our thematic plant-based nutrition podcast episode here