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Package waste: Achieving a circular economyPackage waste: Achieving a circular economy

2019 will be a crucial year for industries involved the packaging and waste management value chain. Introduced last year, the amended form of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive sets a target for obliged industries of ensuring that 65% of packaging waste is recycled by the year 2025, and 70% by 2030.

February 14, 2019

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Reaching these targets will be complicated by inconsistencies in the way that member states track, measure and report the proportion of recycled waste, as well as by questions over the efficacy of deposit return schemes and the apportioning of incentives. Another challenge comes in the form of the Single-Use Plastics Ban, confirmed in December last year. With the date for compliance set at 2021, the European Union will be the first of the world’s major economic blocs to eliminate the distribution of single-use plastics.

This also means that European industries will have to take the lead on solving some of the problems a ban might involve, including pioneering the use of suitable alternatives, and finding ways to prompt changes in consumer behaviour. 

Packaging Waste & Sustainability Forum

Taking place in Brussels this April, the Packaging Waste & Sustainability Forum brings policy makers, manufacturers, recycling professionals and associations together to navigate a sustainable path towards meeting the targets set by the EU and the member states. It provides an indispensable venue for obliged industries to discuss solutions, gain contacts and develop cost-effective approaches to minimising the proportion of unrecoverable waste.

The EPR Toolkit seminar: A hands-on seminar addressing the implementation of the new EPR legislation across Europe.

Focus on the member states: UK - Discuss the impact of Brexit on the packaging waste value chain, as well as the deposit return scheme for disposable beverage containers due in 2023.

Germany - What were the successes and the drawbacks of the German Packaging Act established on January 1st?

Visit Knect365 for more information. 

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