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How to win in performance and sports nutrition – report

White-paper-How to win in performance and sports nutrition – report

How to win in performance and sports nutrition – report
From the active amateur to high performance athletes, the sports nutrition has done a lot of work to deliver solutions for everyone. The sector sees considerable consistent yearly growth, with many product developers seeking a unique path to market. Although full of untapped potential, success in the sports nutrition arena doesn't come without its challenges. In this report, seven experts contribute their thoughts around market state, areas for opportunity and innovation, consumer evolution and regulatory considerations.


  • The emerging consumer group of gamers and eAthletes are actively seeking solutions for focus, attention and enhanced reaction time—presenting new opportunities for cognitive products that support mental athleticism.
  • Personalised nutrition is seeing increased uptake amongst athletes. Brands have the opportunity to take advantage of new technologies such as at-home nutrient testing, nutrigenomics and microbiome testing to create supplements that reflect exact nutrient needs. 
  • Research bodies note an increase in the amount of patents filed for novel botanical ingredients that are centered around aspects of sports performance such as reduced fatigue, blood glucose management and targeting genes that increase protein synthesis. 
  • The Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation has become both the main framework for communicating to consumers the intended and responsible use of sports nutrition products, and the main obstacle to doing this. 

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