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'I have learnt so much from indigenous and traditional approaches to health’ – Dr Vivien Rolfe [Interview]
Dr Vivien Rolfe is a gut physiologist who specialises in herbal and nutritional interactions with the human body.
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended all manner of commerce as a "return to normal" looks increasingly elusive, but natural products companies must eye the moving targets no matter how fast they move.
Natural Products Industry Health Monitor, April 17, 2020
A global lockdown might make weeks feel like months and months weigh like centuries, but business allows little room for ennui. As distracting as the daily inundation of the negative can be, the time to look forward is always now. In this new weekly feature, Vitafoods Insights shares that right-now update from New Hope Network and other Informa Markets properties. Look for the Industry Health Monitor each Friday to learn the major news that is affecting the natural products market immediately and the less obvious insights that could dictate where the market may struggle or thrive in the months to come.
The world is changing quickly. It’s always smart to keep an eye on moving targets—even when it feels like a bull's-eye is painted on everybody and everything.
To the list of ways we are unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic, add the concerns about different approaches across the globe. In the United States, protests against shelter-in-place orders are breaking out even as governors on the West Coast and East Coast are connecting to determine a common sense approach to gradually exiting lockdown. In Europe, the United Kingdom recently extended its lockdown measures for an additional three weeks, even as countries such as Germany and Italy that introduced lockdown measures earlier are preparing to ease those strategies. With some predicting social distancing measures could stay in place into 2022, industries of all kinds are reckoning with changes in consumer demand that could last well into the decade. Habits formed now may hold well after vaccines and other measures reduce the need for quarantine measures.
Marketing an immune product? The popularity of immune health supplements has other brand marketers considering whether now is the time to get into the space. Blaz Gorjup of PharmaLinea commented in a Vitafoods Insights podcast that the private label leaders has fielded multiple inquiries from companies seeking to bring products to market, but has urged caution and seen major brands taking a cautious approach. “Where the brands really have an issue right now is communicating because there is way too much noise over immunity ... [They] fear damaging their brand and looking like they're exploiting the situation."
Adulteration appears. As supply chains get pinched for dietary supplement ingredients, adulteration is making an expected but unwelcome appearance. In a new SupplySide video series, Indena’s Greg Ris said, “The adulterers are getting more clever. … It’s an ongoing problem [and] we need to have a stronger message and a next step to identify who the perpetrators are. A single letter isn’t going to do it for sure.”
Immunity hoarding. In another episode from the SupplySide series, NOW Foods CEO Jim Emme observed that immunity supplements are so popular, that the company has had to put a limit on orders. “Everybody is hoarding immune products—or at least the retailers [are]—almost like it was toilet paper. So we’re encountering that and have had to institute some rationing so that not one customer wipes out all the inventory. We want to take care of where our roots are with our small retailers and make sure they get what they need.”
You can't say that. Shadier elements in the supplement industry never let a good crisis go to waste. Infowars host and supplement brand owner Alex Jones was flagged by the FDA for saying in a video, “I’m just gonna tell ya … the patented Nano Silver we have, the Pentagon has come out and documented, and Homeland Security have said, this stuff kills the whole SARS corona family, at point blank range.”
It's a small world. The supplement makers are operating at full speed, even in the most hard-hit areas. Pharmactive is located in Madrid, in the heart of the outbreak. “We feel the unity of society and the compromises people are making,” says Pharmactive's head of marketing, Julia Diaz, in a series of first-person accounts being published by Natural Products Insider.
Trade show update. The list of trade shows postponed or canceled continues to grow. A result of the COVID-19 pandemic, SupplySide East 2020 has been canceled with the event to return to New Jersey in April 2021. “Our focus now is on supporting the many businesses and people who make up this great industry as we navigate today’s challenges together,” Vice President and Market Leader, SupplySide, Jon Benninger said in announcing the news. Meanwhile, New Hope Network released this update about the $5 million fund to support the most vulnerable exhibiting brands impacted by the Natural Products Expo West 2020 cancellation.
Today’s Consumer: Shoppers retain natural values
The American economic outlook has rarely been more bleak. But at least in the early stages of a precipitous downturn, U.S. consumers are holding onto natural values. In separate responses, 56 percent of consumers surveyed said they are willing to pay more for high-quality ingredients, and that they value the people who grew the food and how it is made. How these sentiments hold as the situation evolves could be pivotal for the natural products industry. Get more from the latest consumer pulse survey in this New Hope Network article.
The old refrain that “laughter is the best medicine” probably isn’t subject to FDA and FTC regulations, but the supplement industry wasn’t marketing a health claim when it came together to create this video, which is now approaching 40,000 views.