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A legal alternative to CBD: Levagen+® PEA - Infographic

White-paper-A legal alternative to CBD: Levagen+® PEA - Infographic

A legal alternative to CBD: Levagen+® PEA - Infographic
While the cannabis industry is growing, CBD is increasingly being regarded negatively by EFSA and other regulatory agencies. Additionally, the research on CBD and its health benefits is limited. Levagen+®, a clinically researched palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), works on a similar pathway as CBD and is often referred to as the “body’s own CBD”. Levagen+ is accepted as a dietary supplement in the U.S., Europe, Australia and India. View the infographic to learn more about Levagen+.

Levagen Infographics V10 with CBD Claims_ Final.jpg

Visit to learn more about Levagen+®.

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