Content Spotlight
'I have learnt so much from indigenous and traditional approaches to health’ – Dr Vivien Rolfe [Interview]
Dr Vivien Rolfe is a gut physiologist who specialises in herbal and nutritional interactions with the human body.
Live webinar - Join us Thursday, July 30th at 2pm BST
July 9, 2020
As life expectancy rises globally, the ageing population is more invested than ever before in preventative and optimal health solutions. This webinar includes scientific presentations from two industry experts around improved immunity protection for the vulnerable population, necessitated throughout the current coronavirus pandemic, and existing concerns around cognitive decline and physiological function loss. Additionally, Lynn Dornblaser, Mintel director for innovation & insight, provides a market overview highlighting areas of opportunity within the healthy ageing category.
Ageing populations are driving demand for food and drink that help people to live healthier for longer and prevent the onset of health problems.
Key takeaways:
Few products focus on health claims relevant to senior consumers
'Preventative health' is for all consumers, not just seniors
Consumers need help understanding best dietary patterns
Lynn Dornblaser
Director, Innovation & Insight
New product trends have been the focus of Lynn’s career for almost 25 years, giving her a unique perspective on the marketplace and new product development. An experienced public speaker, Lynn has been quoted by major US news organizations, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, and CNN.
As we age, our bodies undergo natural degradation—including poorer immune function, increased incidence of systemic inflammation, reduced mobility, and degeneration in bones and joints. While no person is immune from viral infection, ageing adults and seniors fall into the vulnerable population category, making them more susceptible to illness than younger age groups. In this webinar, Dr Manfred Eggersdorfer, professor for Healthy Ageing at University Medical Center Groningen, explores key considerations surrounding immunity as we age.
Key takeaways:
Micro-deficiencies in the ageing population and the role supplementation can play in supporting the immune system of ageing individuals
How COVID-19 has affected the lifestyles of the vulnerable and resulting conditions
Preparing for second waves and the next flu season
Key learnings from the current pandemic, and how these can inform development of efficacious products to support a well-functioning immune system through the ages
Dr Manfred Eggersdorfer, Ph.D.
Professor for Healthy Ageing
University Medical Center Groningen
Dr Eggersdorfer studied chemistry at the Technical University Munich and did his doctorate in organic chemistry. He was post-doc at Stanford-University. He joined Roche in 1999 as Head of R&D Vitamins, later taking up the responsibility for Nutrition Science and & Advocacy at DSM in 2010. In 2013 he was installed as Professor for Healthy Ageing at the University Medical Center Groningen. He has published numerous papers and books on vitamins, carotenoids, omega fatty acids and nutraceuticals.
Evidence indicates that ageing is associated with dedifferentiation of neural processes and with alterations in the capacity of different regions in the brain to communicate with one another, which may have implications for cognitive performance. Progressive age-related reductions in muscle mass and strength can cause substantial morbidity in older age, particularly in the andropausal population. Protein, amino acid (particularly leucine), vitamin D, omega-3s, low-dose antioxidants, magnesium, alkalising compounds, probiotics, and plant extracts intake are generally considered to counteract these situations. In this webinar, Dr Dilip Ghosh, director at Nutriconnect and Trigonella Labs, explores new evidence-based ingredients, with which he has been involved through some of the studies.
Key takeaways:
Deep dive into cognitive and male menopausal changes throughout the ageing process
The opportunity for top level nutritional intervention
New and current clinical research offering application potential
Dr Dilip Ghosh, Ph.D.
Nutriconnect/Trigonella LabsDr Ghosh received his Ph.D. in biomedical science from India, and his post-doctorate from USDA-ARS, HNRCA at Tufts University, Boston. He is an international speaker, facilitator and author—professionally associated with Nutriconnect and Trigonella Labs, Australia; honorary ambassador, adjunct-industry fellow, National Institute of Complementary Medicine, Western Sydney University. His research interest includes oxidative stress, bioactive, clinically proven functional food and natural medicine development, regulatory and scientific aspects of functional foods, nutraceuticals and herbal medicines.