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Vitafoods Europe

Navigating allergen risks to build trust [video]Navigating allergen risks to build trust [video]

This presentation explores some challenges and ways of assessing the allergen risks that may be present and how you can show that you are managing those.

May 2, 2023

Allergens and labelling are complex areas for the food industry. Whether it is about substantiating the supply of raw materials or understanding the risks and associated controls in manufacturing, to ensure you are complying with the regulations, the standards and codes of practices that you need to manage.

What we are all trying to achieve is to give consumers accurate information so they can make informed and safe choices for them or those in their care. 

Catch up on this session in the video below:


Barbara Hirst    
Senior Food Safety and Quality Consultant
Reading Scientific Services Limited (RSSL)   

Barbara is a Food Safety and Quality Consultant at RSSL where she has worked for more than 20 years. In this role, she partners with customers and helps advise them on allergen management, both in risk assessment and validation of controls. This covers customers from a wide range of food manufacturing and food service backgrounds. 

She is a Geneticist by education and was previously heavily involved with the horse meat industry issue and the alleged contamination of spices with nuts. Using her scientific and technical knowledge, Barbara has helped advise regulators and industry on the best practice approaches to sampling, testing and control measures. Barbara was recognised in 2013 by SOFHT for her services to the industry during the horse meat crisis by winning “Best Technologist of the Year” award.

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