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Healthy ageing in 2020 – videoHealthy ageing in 2020 – video

Healthy ageing means more than addressing dysfunction, as the microbiota, natural compounds and vitagenes all appear to have a role to play.

October 21, 2020

The healthy ageing scientific landscape has expanded beyond simply addressing concerns of chronologic age. Instead, issues such as weight management, the gut microbiota and vitagenes—hormetic pathways activated by certain nutrients. Understanding the role of natural compounds in upregulating vitagenes, including how this can impact burdened liver metabolism, can open new pathways for product development supporting long-term consumer health. In this video presentation from Vitafoods Virtual Expo, Prof. Francesco Marotta discusses the healthy ageing landscape, with additional insights into the relationship between the microbiota-brain-gut axis and neurodegenerative conditions.

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