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Andrea Ocampo

Director of Research & Development, Funtrition™ by Procaps

Andrea has worked across multiple nutrition and food science technologies in her 15+ years of experience. Over the last years she has been focusing on products with nutritional added value as Research and Development Director at Funtrition by Procaps.

Andrea is passionate about science and knowledge; she holds a Magister in Innovation and additional advanced studies in food science.  Her core skill is her capacity to inspire and motivate her team into looking for new ways and technologies to create new nutritional and dietary products that make a difference and that are preferred by consumers. Her passion is to have consumers around the world to crave for more products developed under fun-trition´s platform technologies.

She has aimed to take the supplements beyond the basic functionality to a pleasant nutritional experience in every bite.  She and her team bring a unique perspective on what a dietary supplements and functional foods must be, helping customers develop and launch exceptional nutritional products globally.

Get your dose of nutrition science, health ingredient innovations, and nutraceutical R&D!